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Poll Everywhere @ANU

5 September, 2023

Jenny Edwards

Active Learning, using digital tools such as Poll Everywhere, is a great way to get students thinking and engaging, while also levelling the playing field for students who are less likely to participate in class.

Digital engagement with students:

  • allows them to have an anonymous voice during discussions 
  • enables them to learn from each other by viewing responses in real time 
  • provides teaching staff with real-time data around student comprehension. 

Poll Everywhere is a web-based platform allowing teaching staff to throw quick questions to students during a class. The platform has recently undergone a visual refresh, with improvements including:

  • a top of screen banner with links and QR codes  
  • improved configuration panel for activities
  • visual designs for accessibility and inclusivity 
  • Microsoft Teams app for meetings and online discussions 
  • the ability to pin Q&A activity so it’s always available on your response page. 

The suite of Poll Everywhere activities now includes:

  • Q&A, with voting 
  • Multiple Choice 
  • Word Cloud 
  • Clickable Images 
  • Open-ended responses
  • Ranking 
  • Surveys 
  • Timed Competitions. 

Here at ANU, we are fortunate to have an enterprise licence for Poll Everywhere. Teaching staff are invited to activate their account to take advantage of these new features.  

For more detailed support for Poll Everywhere, CLT recommends you explore some of these support options:

Jenny Edwards and Jenny Gray, Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT)

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