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Australian National University Logo

ANU Institutional AI Principles 

In this collection

  1. What is AI?
  2. ANU Institutional AI Principles 
  3. Communicating with students about AI
  4. How to access and use Microsoft Copilot
  5. How to access and use Adobe Firefly
  6. AI Prompting guide

These six guiding principles on the use of artificial intelligence at the ANU were approved by the Academic Board in June 2023.

  1. We will maintain our commitment to excellence and integrity in teaching, learning, assessment and research as the applications of AI in university settings evolve. 
  2. We will maintain our critical engagement with AI as a stream of research and we will encourage exploration and innovation in these technologies. 
  3. We will communicate clear guidance on the responsible and ethical use of AI technologies for our staff and for our students, and we will be explicit where rules or expectations differ according to discipline or role. 
  4. We will ensure that our students and our staff have the support they need to become AI literate and we will produce graduates with the knowledge and skills to operate effectively and ethically in an AI -informed world. 
  5. We will ensure appropriate access to AI technology for education and research with applications consistent with the university’s commitments to cybersecurity, privacy, safety, equity and inclusiveness. 
  6. We will draw upon the expertise within the ANU to support future AI strategy and policy development; and we will work collaboratively with others across the sector as we seek to understand the wider implications of AI for society and culture.

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What is AI?

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Communicating with students about AI