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Latest from the ANU learning and teaching community

  • Join the AV Innovators Community of Practice

    Join the AV Innovators Community of Practice

    Do you have questions about the best type of microphone for…

  • Exams, alternative exams and alternatives to exams

    Exams, alternative exams and alternatives to exams

    In this post, we take a look at what teachers are…

  • A consistent WATTLE experience across the Research School of Psychology

    A consistent WATTLE experience across the Research School of Psychology

    Drawing on an idea seeded during a series of technology enhanced…

  • Academic integrity: thinking beyond the assessment task

    Academic integrity: thinking beyond the assessment task

    Assessment design plays a key role in academic integrity, but to…

  • Not all learning is formal

    Not all learning is formal

    We know that one of the things students missed during remote…

  • Talking Teaching and Politics

    Talking Teaching and Politics

    CLT caught up with some members of the ANU community to…

  • Lunch Vox #6 – In your students’ shoes

    Lunch Vox #6 – In your students’ shoes

    The need for empathy, flexibility, and connection emerged as themes from…

  • In Conversation with

    In Conversation with

    CLT caught up with some members of the ANU community to…

  • ANU EFS is back!

    ANU EFS is back!

    The EFS is a semester-long professional development program that leads to…