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Australian National University Logo

Wikis activity

In this collection

  1. Ranking Tasks activity
  2. Pros and Cons activity 
  3. Line Up activity 
  4. Documented Problem Solutions activity 
  5. Exam Wrappers activity
  6. Peer Contribution Plaudit activity
  7. Wikis activity
  8. Current Events Presentations activity
  9. Brainstorming activity

Wikis involve students using an editable webpage to contribute to and modify course related material. Wikis can be set up at the start of the semester and be used throughout to encourage and provide a method of collaboration.   


  • Set up the wiki at the start of the semester and provide students with instructions on how to use it. 
  • Build a regular interval into classes where students are given time to contribute something specific to the wiki, for example adding a definition or finding a relevant image. 
  • Encourage students to look through other students’ entries and add comments. 

Communicate clear rules and expectations around the use of the wiki and instructions on how to use it. Monitor the wiki throughout the semester and provide feedback. 


  • A wiki site 
  • Course-specific wiki topics  


  • Make it students’ choice: Provide a selection of options of things that students could contribute to the wiki and let them choose which they would like to do. 
  • Assign roles: Assign student’s different roles during the wiki activity, e.g. fact-checker, resource-finder, questioner, opinion-writer, etc. 


Wikis in Education: How Wikis are Being Used in the Classroom – Educational Technology  

Evaluating the Impact of Wikis on Student Learning Outcomes: An Integrative Review – ScienceDirect