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Australian National University Logo

Hot Seat activity

In this collection

  1. Hot Seat activity
  2. 3-2-1 Reflections activity
  3. Polls activity
  4. Formative Quizzes activity
  5. Opening Questions activity

A Hot Seat involves individual or small groups of students answering questions from their classmates about a topic that was covered in class, while they adopt a relevant persona or character, e.g. operations manager in a company, government official explaining a policy, citizen impacted by an event, etc. 


  • Share the topic and personas that will be used in the activity.  
  • Ask for volunteers from the class to be in the hot seat and assign each a persona.  
  • Give the remainder of the class a few minutes to think of some open-ended questions to ask the students in the hot seat, then call on students to ask their questions. 

Make sure that you provide the correct answers to any questions that a student in the hot seat may have answered incorrectly, to avoid the risk of confusion. 


  • A list of personas to assign to the students  


  • Make it a group activity: Break students into groups. Within their group, one student at a time takes a turn at being in the hot seat while the others ask the questions.  
  • Make it pre-assigned: Present the activity and personas and ask for student volunteers before the day of the activity, allowing them to prepare ahead of time.    


Hot seat (  

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3-2-1 Reflections activity