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Brainstorming activity

In this collection

  1. Ranking Tasks activity
  2. Pros and Cons activity 
  3. Line Up activity 
  4. Documented Problem Solutions activity 
  5. Exam Wrappers activity
  6. Peer Contribution Plaudit activity
  7. Wikis activity
  8. Current Events Presentations activity
  9. Brainstorming activity

Brainstorming involves students generating a large number of ideas or solutions, focusing on quantity over quality. 


  • State the goal or problem to be addressed during the brainstorming session to the students and establish some ground rules, such as quantity over quality, no judgement or criticism, etc. 
  • Break students into groups and give them a set amount of time in which to brainstorm. 
  • Have each group look over their ideas, highlight those which they think are the most promising and share those back with the class. 


Pens and paper or technology such as a Miro board; a topic or problem 


  • Make it a fact-based brainstorm: Students brainstorm everything factual that they can recall about a topic. 
  • Make it stop-and-go brainstorming: Allow the group to alternate between brainstorming for a few minutes, followed a short period of evaluation, then returning to building on the ideas that they are most interested in as a group. 


Brainstorming – Active Learning at King’s ( 

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Current Events Presentations activity