Following an extended break, 47 intrepid tutors and demonstrators successfully participated in the remotely delivered Principles of Tutoring and Demonstrating (PTD) Winter Intensive program.
PTD is an introductory course for new tutors and demonstrators at ANU. Throughout seven modules, participants explore the skills, theories, and tools to becoming effective and reflective teachers who embody best-practices in teaching and learning. During Semester 2 O-Week, participants not only developed their own abilities in tutoring and demonstrating, but they also gained invaluable insights into teaching in a remote learning environment. Participants opined that, despite being online, PTD “felt like you were in a real classroom” and “managed to get us to be super interactive”. Moreover, PTD “taught me a lot more about small group work designs and how to integrate these with recent technological changes” and requirements.
At the same time, engaging in PTD helped participants form a community of early-career academics to learn from and lean on as they continue along their teaching journey. One of PTD’s greatest benefits is the “opportunity to learn from others’ perspectives” and share “great practical tips”.
To join the PTD community and learn how to be an effective tutor or demonstrator, register for our Semester 2 program commencing from Tuesday, 4 August.
Principles of Tutoring and Demonstrating is presented by the Continuing Education team from the ANU Centre for Learning and Teaching.
For more information, or if you have any queries, email