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Excellence is a journey

4 May, 2023

Centre for Learning and Teaching

Excellence is a journey: Academic Portfolio update

In this video Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Grady Venville and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education & Digital) Professor Maryanne Dever come together to share an update on academic projects and educational initiatives which are poised to transform the context of our teaching and learning experiences over coming years. Click above to view video.

Visit the Academic Portfolio SharePoint Hub for more information (internal ANU only) or click the links below to delve deeper into these projects:

Roving photo exhibit of our exceptional educators

On the back of the successful teaching celebration event event in March, a traveling exhibition showcasing some of the exceptional educators that we have at ANU has been launched. Look out for it at a location near you in the future. View it now in the Jaeger 8 Foyer (RSES) and get to know their teaching stories.

Exhibit in the Jaeger 8 Foyer (RSES)

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