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Question prompts to help you write your Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

In this collection

  1. The Philosophy of Teaching and Learning 
  2. Question prompts to help you write your Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
  3. Fellows’ Teaching Philosophy workshops
  4. Examples of Philosophies of T&L

Here are some question prompts that can help you write your Philosophy of Teaching and Learning. You may need to contextualise them so that they suit your practice (e.g. replace ‘students’ by ‘tutors’; or replace ‘as a teacher’ by your role e.g. ‘as an Education Support Officer’).

Remember that your application for fellowship is based on your higher education practice. When thinking about the below questions, please do so with your higher education experience in mind.

  • What drives me as an educator?
  • What drives me in my role in supporting learning?
  • What does teaching mean to me?
  • What does supporting learning mean to me?
  • How and why did I become an educator in the first place?
  • What do I value about teaching/supporting learning?
  • How do my personal values and beliefs influence my practices?
  • Who or what inspires me in my role?
  • What do I hope my students get out of my teaching and supporting learning practice?
  • If I could choose to impart one lesson to students, what would that be?

Senior Fellows only: Senior Fellow applicants are also encouraged to think about questions relating to influence and impact, e.g.:

  • What influence and impact would I like to have on my peers and their practice?
  • What influence and impact would I like to have in supporting learning?
Professor Mahananda Dasgupta

Photo of Professor Mahananda Dasgupta and students, taken by Rafael Florez from the ANU Centre for Learning and Teaching