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Minute Paper activity

In this collection

  1. Three-Step Interviews activity
  2. Stump Your Partner activity
  3. Picture Prompt activity
  4. Catch-up Pauses activity
  5. Muddiest Point activity
  6. Minute Paper activity
  7. Directed Paraphrasing
  8. Jigsaw Discussions activity

The Minute Paper involves students writing down their responses to a prompt to reflect on what they have learned. Students are given just one minute to write their response. 


  • Provide students with a prompt that encourages reflection about key elements of the material that was covered. 
  • Begin the one-minute timer and instruct students to write down their responses. Encourage them to be concise but clear in their answers.    


Relevant prompts   


  • Make it visual: Instead of written responses, ask students to draw a quick diagram, concept map, or graphic representation of their understanding of the topic.   
  • Peer teaching: Let students take on the role of the educator. Ask them to develop and volunteer a question or topic related to the lesson and have their peers respond.   
  • Check for understanding: Collect the responses and look over them to check for any common misunderstandings to address in the next class. 


One-minute Paper – Online Engagement and Teaching Hub (  

one_minute_paper_1.pdf (  

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Muddiest Point activity

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Directed Paraphrasing