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Fellows’ Teaching Philosophy workshops

In this collection

  1. The Philosophy of Teaching and Learning 
  2. Question prompts to help you write your Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
  3. Fellows’ Teaching Philosophy workshops
  4. Examples of Philosophies of T&L

Listening to and reflecting on other educators’ philosophies of teaching and learning can help spark inspiration for your own.

You could consider attending an EFS Fellows’ teaching and learning philosophy workshop. We run these a few times per year. Each of these workshops is an opportunity to hear from inspiring ANU educators about their own teaching and learning philosophies, including what sparked their interest in teaching and/or supporting learning and how their philosophies influence the fascinating things they do in their higher education roles. We will contact you when we next schedule one of these workshops.

No workshop coming up? You can watch a recording from a previous workshop below instead.

Dr. William Maish’s Philosophy of T & L (videos)

In the videos below, Dr. William (Bill) Maish FHEA, then at ANU Medical School, shares his Philosophy of T&L and his experience in the EFS Reflection on Experience (REx) pathway.

In this first video, Bill talks about his Philosophy of Teaching and Learning:

In this second video, Bill reflects on reflects on writing his application, and offers some tips to help you write yours:

Video credit: Rafael Florez from the ANU Centre for Learning and Teaching

Dr. Benjamin Kooyman’s Philosophy of T & L (video)

In this video, Dr. Benjamin Kooyman FHEA, then at ANU and part of the Library’s Academic Skills, talks about his Philosophy of T & L and how other ANU (professional) staff might approach theirs.

Topic outline:

  • My background (00:15)
  • Learning Adviser duties (00:47)
  • Challenges in developing a teaching philosophy (01:54)
  • Step 1: Define your teaching activities (02:49)
  • Step 2: Brainstorming (03:33)
  • Step 3: Structuring and writing your response (07:01)
  • Pedagogical literature (07:31)
  • Use self-reflection to show growth mindset (08:31)
  • 3R Reflective Writing approach (09:30)

Video credit:  Tangyao Zhang and Rafael Florez from the ANU Centre for Learning and Teaching