Systems Engineering Core
Dr Jeremy Smith | Associate Professor Marnie Shaw | Mrs Jenny Simmons | Associate Professor Kim Blackmore | Dr Chris Browne | Professor Robert Mahony | Associate Professor Fiona Beck | Professor Jochen Trumpf | Dr Nicolò Malagutti | Dr Catherine Galvin
College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
School of Engineering
In 2020 the School of Engineering commenced delivery of a redesigned systems engineering core embedded across the four-year undergraduate engineering degree. Team-based work on authentic projects is supported by flipped classrooms and active learning in innovative teaching spaces. The new program has had a 13% increase in overall SELT experience of learning and attracted $520,000 of external funding.
Redesigning the Systems Engineering core
The new systems engineering core in the ANU Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Research and Development (R&D) programs replicates current engineering practice with a focus on diverse teams working in the complex contexts of the 21st century. New courses utilise active and project-based learning and flipped classrooms delivered in fit-for-purpose refurbished learning spaces while authentic assessment built around reflection and feedback loops support learning.
A distinctive element of the new core is a suite of project hubs, groupings of real-world projects aligned with individual course outcomes which provide coherence over the program. Project hubs align with current systems engineering practice and include complex transdisciplinary contexts: healthcare, transportation, space, food security (agri-technology), resilience (humanitarian engineering), and energy transitions (electrification).
Shared relationships with project partners enable projects to be supported over multiple courses and years as opportunities develop. ANU engineering graduates are encouraging their employers to propose projects, providing alumni the opportunity to scope projects and act as a point of reference for current students. This allows alumni to share their journeys since graduation and strengthen links with a range of industry partners.
Prizes from clients and philanthropy have been donated for different courses and project hubs with $25,000 of funds available each year to recognise student innovation and impact. Critical to the success of the new core was staff cultural change to provide a program-level focus over all core courses supported by team-based teaching, and shared resources and coordination.
The main assessment task (project) was fun while still being challenging. It helped improve and develop my technical skills, creative thinking skills and also my ability to work productively in a team.
Student SELT comment
The course was well-run, it was enjoyable and I learnt a lot without being overwhelmed with too much content or assessment. The assessment was perfect – I saw a clear link between what we learnt and the assessment and I felt the assessment actually helped me to learn more skills that I will use in the future.
Student SELT comment