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Apply for the EFS

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Apply for the EFS

Prerequisites (all pathways)

Applying for a Advance HE Fellowship through the ANU EFS is free of charge, but there are some eligibility criteria to consider. You must:

  • be a current ANU employee, student, or honorary appointee with an ANU email address;
  • commit to upholding the AdvanceHE Fellows Code of Practice;
  • have undertaken relevant Professional Development;
  • be able to contribute to the ANU EFS, for example as EFS mentor, EFS assessor, or speaker.

EFS pathways

There are three pathways to Advance HE Fellowship at ANU:


The REx pathway is the most common route at ANU. It provides a scaffolded professional development opportunity to three categories of Advance HE Fellowships: Associate Fellowship (AFHEA), Fellowship (FHEA), and Senior Fellowship (SFHEA). 

Learn more about the REx pathway in the EFS REx pathway resource collection. EFS Collection 1 About the REx pathway provides an overview of the pathway and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).

The REx pathway is run by the ANU Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT). Email us at if you wish to learn more.

Our current and upcoming REx groups are:


ANU offers a Teaching in Medicine (TiM) pathway for clinical and other medical educators who wish to apply for AFHEA. Learn more about the TiM pathway below. Note that clinical and other medical educators who wish to apply for a FHEA or SFHEA will need to join the Reflection on Experience (REx) pathway.


ANU does not award Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA), but the EFS team can provide mentoring and support for direct application to Advance HE to those who seek to gain this high level of recognition. Email us at if you wish to learn more.

Why should I apply

Your time is valuable, and applying for a fellowship will require an investment of your time to be successful. So what’s in it for you? By applying for an AdvanceHE fellowship through the EFS, you can acquire the following:

  Professional recognition
Membership of the EFS provides you with professional recognition of your teaching. Many existing members have reported that membership has helped them obtain new jobs, promotions, and explore new opportunities.
  Collegiality and network
Once you are a member of the EFS, not only will you be part of a worldwide community, you will be part of a teaching-focused community within ANU. EFS members have the opportunity to attend scheme-based events, seminars and networking activities.
  A world-wide community
When you become a member of the EFS you will be part of a 90,000+ strong global community with an internationally recognised teaching recognition
A ready-made portfolio
The contents of your teaching philosophy and reflective narrative will likely come in handy if you wish to apply for teaching awards or promotions in the future. While you will not be able to reuse your work word for word, the contents will provide an excellent base for you to springboard off of.
  Leadership building
Membership of the EFS will also provide you with the opportunity to develop your leadership skills and contribute to the enhancement of teaching and learning across the ANU campus, through mentoring prospective applicants, assessing applications and writing references.
  Personal development
Writing a fellowship application requires reflection on your teaching practices, which more often than not, will aid your development as an educator. Reflecting on your practice will prompt you to recognise what you are doing well, appreciate the journey you have taken to date, and in many cases, identify gaps or areas for improvement in your teaching.
  Post nominal letters
Once you are a member of the EFS, you are entitled to use the post-nominal of your category after your name (for example, John Smith AFHEA).

Beyond fellowship

Being a HEA fellow will give you many opportunities for networking and collaborating with your peers across campus and across other institutions in Australasia.

Once awarded fellowship, you will be listed by College and School on the list of ANU EFS Fellows . You will offered opportunities to mentor or assess future applicants, which will contribute to your future professional development and will involve high-level training in mentoring, peer engagement, and dialogic and written assessment against criteria.