As with any good quality piece of writing, using academic literature to enhance your reflective narratives is indispensable. You will be drawing on educational literature in your discipline as well as elucidate generic forms of pedagogy to reinforce your fellowship application. This is an ongoing process as you continue to develop your teaching and support of learning.
Here, we recommend some journals and classic resources as good starting points for you to explore.
Recommended Journals
American Educational Research Journal is the flagship journal of the American Educational Research Association, with articles that advance the empirical, theoretical, and methodological understanding of education and learning. It publishes original peer-reviewed analyses spanning the field of education research across all subfields and disciplines and all levels of analysis, all levels of education throughout the life span and all forms of learning.
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education publishes papers, reports and research on all aspects of assessment and evaluation within higher education.
Education and Evaluation Policy Analysis publishes rigorous, policy-relevant research of interest to those engaged in educational policy analysis, evaluation, and decision making.
Higher Education is recognized as the leading international journal on higher education studies, and examines educational developments throughout the world in universities, polytechnics, colleges, and vocational and education institutions.
Higher Education Research and Development publishes scholarly articles that make a significant and original contribution to the theory, practice or research of higher education.
Journal of Educational Psychology publishes original, primary psychological research pertaining to education across all ages and educational levels. A secondary purpose of the Journal is the occasional publication of exceptionally important theoretical and review articles that are pertinent to educational psychology.
Medical Education seeks to be the pre-eminent journal in the field of education for health care professionals, and publishes material of the highest quality, reflecting world wide or provocative issues and perspectives.
Research in Higher Education publishes studies that examine issues pertaining to postsecondary education. Among the topics of interest to the journal are: access and retention; student success; equity; faculty issues; institutional productivity and assessment; postsecondary education governance; curriculum and instruction; state and federal higher education policy; and financing of postsecondary education.
Review of Educational Research provides a forum for analytic research reviews on selected education topics of significance to the field. Each volume addresses a topic of broad relevance to education and learning, and publishes articles that critically examine diverse literatures and bodies of knowledge across relevant disciplines and fields.
Review of Higher Education is considered one of the leading research journals in the field as it keeps scholars, academic leaders, and public policymakers abreast of critical issues facing higher education today.
Sociology of Education publishes research that examines how social institutions and individuals’ experiences within these institutions affect educational processes and social development.
Studies in Higher Education publishes international research on higher education issues including institutional management and performance, teaching and learning.
Teaching in Higher Education publishes research on the affects of teaching policy, practice and funding and societal expectation on higher education teaching and pedagogical outcomes.
The Journal of Higher Education publishes research into the academic study of higher education addressing institutional and educational developments issues.
Classic Resources
You can find most of these resources at the ANU library (links provided), and some are available to read online.
Bloom, B., et al. Taxonomy of educational objectives: the classification of educational goals. Handbook I: cognitive domain. New York: David McKay Company. 1956.
Biggs, J and C Tang. Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Open University Press. 2011. First published 2007. [Earlier editions are also available through the ANU library]
Freire, P. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York. The Continuum International Publishing House. 2005. First Published 1970.
Finkel, D. Teaching with Your Mouths Shut. Portsmouth, NH, Boynton/Cook. 2000.
Howard, G. Frames of the Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. 1983.
Kolb, D. A. Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of Learning and Development. Second Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. 2015. [Available online]
O’Reiley, M. Radical Presence: Teaching as Contemplative Practice. Portsmouth, NH, Boyton/Cook. 1998.
O’Reiley, M. The Peaceable Classroom. Portsmouth, NH, Boynton/Cook. 1993. [Available online]
Overall, C. Feeling Fraudulent, In, A Feminist I: Reflections from Academia. Peterborough, Broadview Press. 1998. [Available online]
Palmer, P. The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teachers Life. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass. 1998.
Ramsden, P. Learning to Teach in Higher Education. Routledge Falmer. 2003.
Vygotsky, L. S. “Chapter 6: Interaction between learning and development”. Mind in society: the development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1978 pp. 79-91.
Other Helpful Resources
Diversity in the Classroom (2014) – UCLA Diversity & Faculty Development. This guide discusses the importance of diversity in higher education, how to address diversity challenges, and how to engage in issues related to diversity in the classroom.
Engagement through partnerships: students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education (2014) – The Higher Education Academy. This publication explores the idea of ‘student engagement’, and proposes a new conceptual model for exploring the different ways in which students can be partners in learning and teaching.
Problem-Based Learning (2001) – Speaking of Teaching, Stanford University Newsletter on Teaching. This newsletter article identifies the central features of PBL, provides some guidelines for planning a PBL course, and discusses the impact of PBL on student learning and motivation.
Boud, David, and Elizabeth Molloy. “Rethinking models of feedback for learning: the challenge of design.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 38.6 (2013): 698-712. This article compares two models of feedback: a traditional feedback model where teachers are the drivers of feedback, and a sustainable assessment model where learners have a key role in driving learning, and thus generating and soliciting their own feedback.
Collins, Allan, John Seely Brown, and Ann Holum. “Cognitive apprenticeship: Making thinking visible.” American educator 15.3 (1991): 6-11. This article explores the concept of cognitive apprenticeship, which has arisen from a goal of making thinking visible and observable to students, in the same way that processes of work are visible in traditional apprenticeships. By incorporating principles of cognitive apprenticeship, teachers can encourage true expertise and robust problem-solving skills in their students, as well as an improved ability to learn throughout life.
Hardman, Jan. “Tutor–student interaction in seminar teaching: Implications for professional development.” Active Learning in Higher Education 17.1 (2016): 63-76. This article uses a study to question what kinds of tutor–student interactions occur in university seminar teaching, whether there are any differences in tutor–student interactions between home and international students, and finally what can be done to enhance the quality of talk in tutor–student interaction. The article explores how tutors can be helped to engage in more dialogic interactions with their students in whole class, group-based and one-to-one interactions to ensure they are given the opportunity to engage in intellectually stimulating classroom talk and deep learning.
Nicol, David. “From monologue to dialogue: improving written feedback processes in mass higher education.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 35.5 (2010): 501-517. This paper challenges the concept that better written feedback is the solution to students’ widespread dissatisfaction with feedback on their work, and instead suggests ways in which the nature and quality of feedback dialogue can be enhanced when student numbers are large without necessarily increasing demands on academic staff. It concludes with a conceptual discussion of the merits of taking a dialogical approach when designing feedback.