1:1 consultation support, bespoke workshops and projects
The ANU CLT Educational Designers have been busy supporting academics in a transition to blended, hybrid and fully online learning models in many courses. With many international students still stuck overseas and wishing to continue their studies with ANU, the hybrid, blended and online environments will continue to be critical to a positive student experience. We provide personalised support and work within your teaching approach and available time, resources and technical skills. Whether you’re after some specialist project work, a bespoke workshop for your area or a one-on-one consultation, we have you covered.
How we work – a project case study
During March and April 2021, some of our Educational Designers worked with Associate Professor Elizabeth Rieger and Professor Kate Reynolds from the Research School of Psychology on a bespoke workshop series and a small project to re-design aspects of their large first year foundational course, PSYCH1004 Understanding People in Context. Our work will continue until the end of June. However, their initial feedback has been positive.
“Wow – what a huge effort getting this all in order. I really appreciate all your help with getting things looking so much better than my home recordings last year! SWU is going well – they [the students] have commented on the quality of videos!”
Professor Kate Reynolds

Professor Kate Reynolds with the CLT Media team producing course video content for South West University
Much thanks for today’s workshop! From my perspective, the workshop provided a focus on practical learning while also pointing us to the research and concepts guiding your selection of digital tools – wonderful!
Professor Elizabeth Rieger
Some of the aspects we have re-designed and created for their team include:
- Video production (see below) for lectures delivered in a two-week intensive in China (South West University)
- Re-design of the Wattle course environment with a focus on early weeks of the student experience
- Rearrangement of assessments to create less stress and workload on both students and teaching staff
- Additional interactions to pre-recorded lecture videos for student engagement
- Interactive H5P learning tools to scaffold students in a major assessment, the Research Psychology Essay
With Associate Professors Rieger’s support, we have taken pedagogy and technology enhanced learning techniques out to the wider Research School of Psychology teaching teams, in the form of a workshop series. Some of the topics included:
- Tips to welcome and engage your students in weeks 1 and 2
- Student engagement in labs and small group settings
- Effective student feedback in large cohort and small group settings
- Echo360 tools for active learning, engagement and feedback
Whilst a redesign on this scale might not suit you at this point in time, we can work individually with you via one-on-one consultations as well. Book a time to talk it over with one of our experienced Educational Designers – clt@anu.edu.au.
Whatever your teaching approach and level of technical knowledge, we can work with you to ensure your teaching is as trouble-free as possible. See more about how we can help on our Course Help intranet page.
Jill Lyall is an Education Designer in the Education Design (ED) team – one of three teams within the ANU Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT).