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Continue your learning and teaching journey with ALT

20 March, 2024

Leanne Brereton

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The Advancing Learning and Teaching (ALT) program is being offered this semester and starts on Friday 2 August.

Who should attend and what are the benefits?

The ALT program is tailored to the needs of academics, course conveners and program leaders who are looking to improve the teaching and learning experience in their course(s). Through a series of core modules and associated workshops, participants can redesign their course based on a range of diverse research-led approaches to enhance teaching, student engagement and assessment. The program also gives participants the opportunity for peer-led discussion and showcasing of course and assessment examples, skill development, critical analysis, and follow-up action research with a view to advancing learning and teaching at ANU. 

Also note that for those of you interested or enrolled in the ANU Education Fellowship Scheme (EFS), the activities you complete as part of this program may be used to stimulate ideas, research and reflections for your EFS application.

What topics are covered and by whom?

The six core modules facilitated by the Professional Learning Specialists in CLT cover topics such as learning and teaching in higher education, learning theories, student engagement, course design, assessment for learning, and improving your professional practice. The additional partner workshops which are paired with each ALT module are delivered by ANU academics and experts and provide further understanding and local examples which will help you enhance your knowledge and skills as an educator.

How much time will I need to complete the program?

The time commitment to complete the program is 3.5 hours per week for 6 weeks which includes complementary workshops. There is also follow up re-design task based on your course.

If you are interested in attending this free program for ANU staff, please register below. ALT will be running face to face from Friday 2 August to 6 September 2024, from 9:00am–12:30pm.

Leanne Brereton, Professional Learning team, Centre for Learning and Teaching.

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