The Challenge of Groupwork
There are many reasons why we use group work at university. One major reason is to provide students with experience working and communicating in teams as this is a highly valued graduate attribute. (Oliver and Jorre de St Jorre, 2018). But, as educators we do little to teach students how to work effectively in groups, instead expecting them to develop teamwork skills through repeated exposure. …
Spotlight on the CECS Teaching and Learning Intensive
It’s the little things in teaching that make a difference.
Principles of Tutoring and Demonstrating
Following an extended break, 47 intrepid tutors and demonstrators successfully participated in the remotely delivered Principles of Tutoring and Demonstrating (PTD) Winter Intensive program.
Pivot to remote learning: Earth Science
Redesigning courses during the pivot to remote learning period was challenging for everyone around the world, not just here at ANU.
Helping students in remote learning:
These are certainly challenging times in which to be teaching.
Interactivity and COVID adaptation in large-group teaching: Torts Law
You can, as it turns out, teach an old dog new tricks.
Criminological Imaginations – The Barry King Story
The news video above introduced first year students in Criminological Imaginations: Understanding Criminality (CRIM1001) to their lectures – inviting them to participate in the course with an imaginative twist.
The Role of Evaluations in Interactive Learning
A fundamental tenet of interactive learning is that course redesign be applied through evidence-based decision making and careful consideration of student experience.
ANU Extension Welcomes Students onto Virtual Campus
In April ANU Extension welcomed 233 year 11 high-achieving students onto a virtual ANU campus via a ZOOM orientation session to mark the beginning of their ANU Extension journey